I would like to acknowledge the traditional owners of this email and thank them for allowing us to commune in this sacred place.
Today is a special day, one that has occurred rarely throughout the millennia and, as such, must not pass unacknowledged……..
For today is the Day of Gathering.
For it is written that the Day of the Gathering is the Time of the Quickening, when all of the Heroes of the Clans meet, cast off the yokes of their mortal bodies, and transcend this world, metamorphosing to embodiments of their highest potential – Easy Riders.
The Riders of the Highlands of the North assembled at the place where the Old Ones foretold this very morning. They were ready, faces chiseled as hard as their reputations; loins tense and taut with the importance (not impotence) of this day. Great men of Wisdom and Deed from all the Clans of the North converging to fulfill the promise of their Ancestry and bloodline.
Bullet McSporrin arrived with the sun at his back to be greeted by many a merry “Och Aye!” from members of the Highland Brethren including SatNav McLean, BT McTavish and Derek McDerek. Spirits were high at the prospect of the morning ritual of feasting, wassailing and visual pheasant plucking – not the least was the hearty favour being poured upon the bonny maiden Justine McBride.
The mood quickly turned at the arrival of Drastic MacBeth, Overlord and Chieftain of the North’s most feared Clan.
“Brothers, our time has come. We ride.”
“But we are not all here, MacBeth,” protested Young Robbie “Contador” McCain, “Where is the Prince of the Pymble Clan; Phantom the Bruce?”
“His is an awesome undertaking,” replied MacBeth, “I have read in the runes that he is to go before and prepare the way for the Quickening. He will meet us in the place of the Standing Stones – The Turra Bowlo. Will you accompany us?”
Robbie McCain shuffled uncomfortably, “Noble Drastic, my wife is heavy with our third child and is fearful of bringing the bairn in the world without a father. She is calling me to be at her side during this time.”
“Three bairns…………..? Ah, McCain, you’ve done it again!” Came the call of the Clansmen. And off they went.
Pouring out the North, the Clansmen rampaged toward the West, strengthening their forces as they went; they were joined by The Laird of Warrawee – Fergus the Mighty, Chippo of Aberdeen Angus and Bucky McBagel. Leading the charge was MacBeth with Derek McDerek nipping at his heels like a cranky border collie.
On a distant range, the melancholy moan to “Speed Bonny Boat” could be heard, singing the Clansmen to their Spiritual home – The Standing Stones of Turra Bowlo.
Suddenly there was a hissing noise that sounded like air being squeezed out of those sad pipes; Derek McDerek ground to a halt as his ride could no longer proceed – flat tyre. Drastic MacBeth forged on in blind resolve.
“Flat tyre, Drastic!” cried Bullet, “We must wait! We are Highlanders! We cannot leave him lest he perish!
“There can be only one, McSporrin! That is the Way of the Quickening!”
Drastic MacBeth was not sighted again until after much pillaging, looting, hooting and tooting he was found at Bullet McCafe, idling time in the company of Half a Haggis, Phil McCavity and Andy……….McDaid (eh?).
Arrival of the Clans quickly brought talk of The Quickening, and it was agreed that they would push North to The Standing Stones of the Turra Bowlo at the earliest time possible; there to drink ale, gorge on red meat, tatties and neeps; and “fling” naked around the Standing Stones in honour of the Day of Gathering.
This is what it is to be Easy Riders…………………………….. well, maybe not the “flinging” naked bit.